Friday, June 1, 2012


5 years from now I will be living in a nice home with kids,a good job ,and finance I could look back on. I would be in a hospital delivering babys and other things i could mager in doing, my back up plan is cosmotology if i have time to put that in my plan book. All types of degrees would be hanging on my mother wall and on my wall. I would have so much money i wont have to worry about struggling nor wondering about how are my kids going to eat the next night. That's my responsibilty 5 years from now when I'am out of college lieving my life how I want to live my life because only right.


What didnt work for me at Orr was the teachers being strick and over doin their part work and talking about what kids dont do; not letting them in class when their 2 mins late for going to the washroom. The prinsible laying off teachers that have a impact on the kids and actually know what they are doing, the entire school can't come out of uinform because of the colors we have on mite attract gang violence.THATS THAT STUFF I DONT LIKE.The girls at orr always competeing against each other then that'll lead to a fight over stupid stuff; it could be over a boy, someone said some thing about them ,or someone bumps you.THATS THAT STUFF I DONT LIKE. The boys are disrespectful when th girls dont want to talk to them and they call the girls out their name and it begans to become a argument.THATS THAT STUFF I DONT LIKE.


The Proudest Moment that I had at OAHS are times I spent coming to school even though i didnt want to come at times but i did anyway. When i came it was always surpriesing of what would happen coming to Orr, everyday is something. The games thar i attened was fun i liked seeing the crowed get all excited and eager during the games because it was something i could look back on and laugh at.


My friends are special to me because I've been with them since grammer school and high school.
We nevar had a phisical fight with each other when we have our dissagreements , we always got a little loud when at times but we wher still cool. They are like family to me because I'am with them everyday on weekdays but in school,however;we talk,we laugh, we argue, we crie , we help each other out with if we have a problem, we joke around...ect. My friends and I never talked behind each other backs we always came to one another and told what was on our least we would know who it came from and how it was said. At times their are crazy moments when we all could just be sitting quiet and the next moment jumping out of our seats soo enerjized. The teachers thought we wher all crazy. To me we just know how to have fun in our own way. Five years from now we will be in our own directions doing our own thing, that's why I'm greatful that they are my friends.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Love Life...

Love Life...

My Love Life in high school was kind of good because I didn't have a lot  of boyfriends we went through our ups and downs but I only loved one boy. I had one boyfriend for every year that I was in high school but they didnt last long. Only one relationship I had lasted. I experienced a lot about love, hate, fights during my dating life throughout high scholl. However, I've had crushes as well. I wasn't really interested in the boys at OAHS, but during my relationship, there wasn't any physical abuse nor arguements  between us. We were like any other teen couples with raging hormones and wild experiences with high school. I could say that I'm proud of myself and with my relationships as well as decisions with whom I gave my time to.


Over the last 4 years of my life changing exprience is growing up knowing the right things I need to know when its time for me to go out own my own. I changed alot from a young woman to a young adult that is wise and have learned from my teachers even when I didnt want to be in class at time, they really showed me the way of life with my parents help. I've had alot of people behind me giving me BIG support and BELIVING in me, with those people on my side i never had to struggle to get my good grades.My life has been a fast year looking back being a freshmen waiting until its time for highschool to be over and done with so i could on my own.Eventually , when I stopped getting suspend i changed my ways ;started to bring my grades up teachers gave me good feed back on how much i improve during the last 4 years.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Funniest Memory...


My funniest memory at ORR is when we had halloween day and the kids and the staff dressed up in costumes and wigs. Some of the kids that were dressed up was funny becuase they had a sense of humor. I found it very funny. Who wouldn't find it funny. School was funny that day, For some people, they thought it was stupid, but both me and my friends went along with the joke. People had on funny colored wigs, make up, funny looking clothes, long socks with scary faces. They had on masks, doctor suits and everybody laughed at each other. When school was over and when people came out of the school, eggs were being thrown so I waited until everybody left before I came out of school. That was my funniest moment.